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Junior Detective Badge in One Hour

Quick - I need a Junior badge the girls can complete in a 1 hour meeting!! That was me last week when I found out I would finally have the time to work exclusively with my Juniors. Because we're a multi-level troop, I have to divide my one hour every other week between the Brownies and Juniors. The problem is, the Brownies are working on a journey and the Juniors are not, so the older girls have been stuck working mostly on Brownie work. With my excitement over having a meeting JUST for my Juniors, I called out on Facebook requesting badges that are easy to complete in one hour. I've said it before, and I still stick to my guns on this, I am not a leader who hands out badges just because I want the girls to fill their sashes. And because I don't know when I'll have an opportunity like this again, I really wanted to finish an entire badge, not just start the work on one. I got tons of great ideas and, in the end, I ran with the Detective Badge.

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